Hier soir à Montpellier eut lieu la première du film de Laurent Triay avec le Fanatic Search. Vous avez vu la bande annonce ? Alors vous aimerez le film ! En effet, c'est un film frais, innovant, sans effets 3D ou After Effect et rien que cela vous emporte dans la magie de l'escalade.
Yesterday evening in Montpellier took place the first one of the film of Laurent Triay with Fanatic Search. Voous saw the band announce? Then you will like the film! In effect, it is an innovative, cool film, without effects 3D or After Effect and anything that it takes you in magic del' climbing.

Like the nice ways you with commitment, truculence and performance? Do not hesitate any more. BUY the dvd " Fanatic Search " by contacting laurent on his site and you will be able to admire 3 rock-climbers in another way with a personality : Chris (Sharma), Dani (Andrada) et Marionna Marti ; le Psicobloc, Montsant et many things.

1 commentaire:
J'ai le dvd de laurent , super vrais un super film ,vivement le prochain sur mada§!!! je crois
Tonton A+
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