
Julien Renaud As Ptijus

Julien "Ptijus" Renaud
Forward first porjection, I introduce you a new video where Julian " Ptijus " Renaud climbs on "Aux Bords du Gouffre" 8a.
Ptijus propose this cotation and i know that he is alone to do this. Why ? Nobody climbs in Pougnadoresse because because inside the capelle makes shade. So, that's why, you can look this movie and maybe you come here.
Check it down :)

Aux Bord du Gouffre - 8a

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

bien belle video pour un bien chouette passage (les prises me plaises bien)mmmh!!!!

stf a dit…

Venga Chico, vie Ptijus plein de jus. Une bise à la petite famille.